2019/01/23: MarDRe v1.4 released
MarDRe v1.4 has been released and can be obtained from the Downloads section.
The main changes included in this version are:
- Improved overall performance by optimizing the writing of Sequence objects
- Disable merge operation by default
- Fix typos in user's guide
- Fix typos in the help usage of the program when using -v
2017/12/19: MarDRe v1.3 released
MarDRe v1.3 has been released and can be obtained from the Downloads section.
The main changes included in this version are:
- MarDRe now uses the Hadoop Sequence Parser (HSP) library to read input FASTQ/FASTA datasets. Overall performance is improved due to the custom sequence record readers provided by this library, especially in the paired-end mode when using a map-side join. Using HSP, this mode now executes a single MapReduce job (note that paired-end mode using a reduce-side join still needs to execute two MapReduce jobs)
- Fix bug in paired-end mode scenarios
2017/07/28: MarDRe v1.2 released
MarDRe v1.2 has been released and can be obtained from the Downloads section.
The main changes included in this version are:
- Optimized paired-end mode using a map-side join (enabled by default)
- Support for input/output datasets compressed with Gzip (.gz extension) and BZip2 (.bz2 extension) codecs. Read user's guide for more information
- New command-line options (-q and -f) to specify the input file format for compressed datasets
- The user can decide to compare only a certain number of bases for each read using a new command-line option (-c)
- The number of reducers can now be specified using a new command-line option (-nr)
- New configuration parameter to enable Snappy compression of the map output phase
- New configuration parameter to specify HDFS block replication factor for output sequence files
- New configuration parameter to specify the HDFS base path used by MarDRe to store both the output and intermediate files
- Fix bug in paired-end mode when processing FASTA datasets
2017/05/15: MarDRe v1.1 released
MarDRe v1.1 has been released and can be obtained from the Downloads section.
The main changes included in this version are:
- Overall performance enhancements by reducing memory footprint, GC overhead and sequence parsing
- Optimized paired-end mode
- When two FASTQ reads are collapsed, now the one with the highest average quality is kept
- The user can specify the output file names using new command-line options (-o and -r)
- Sanity checks for the value of some configuration parameters
- Minor bug fixes
2017/03/29: MarDRe v1.0.1 released
MarDRe v1.0.1 has been released and can be obtained from the Downloads section.
The main changes included in this version are:
- User's guide has been updated to specify that the current version of MarDRe
does not take into account the quality scores for selecting the representative
sequence when duplicated
- Fix bug with the distribution tarball to include the parent directory
2017/02/01: MarDRe v1.0 released
The first public release of MarDRe (v1.0) has been released and can be obtained from the Downloads section.